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Costa Rica

Pura Vida Journey

5th - 15th December 2024

Book Now!

نظرة عامة عن الرحلة

“Pura Vida”; a way of life!

“Pure life” – to live a peaceful, simple uncluttered life with a deep appreciation for nature, family and friends. A real living that reflects happiness, wellbeing and satisfaction.

Perhaps no other country than Costa Rica has a motto so charismatic, so universally quoted and so life-encouraging as Pura Vida. It’s Costa Rica’s unofficial national slogan and trust me you will hear it everywhere!

This journey has been designed to fully immerse yourself in what ‘Pure Life’ should look like; from local living to connections and communicating, and a more liberal yet simple way in which we embrace other communities.

Get ready for upfront views of gorgeous green jungles and natural hot springs to hiking volcanos, rappelling down waterfalls, visiting coffee & chocolate farms, and living with local families, Costa Rica will leave you speechless!

ملف الرحلة


Costa Rica

فئة الرحلة 

متعددة المغامرات

مدة الرحلة

11 days – 10 nights

مستوى اللياقة البدنية

مستوى ٣

مستوى الأنشطة

مفعم بالحيوية

مستوى الراحة

Luxury & Delightful

BHD 1,330 

حجم المجموعة
١٤ - ١٦

ملف الرحلة


Costa Rica

فئة الرحلة 

متعددة المغامرات

مدة الرحلة

11 days – 10 nights

مستوى اللياقة البدنية

مستوى ٣

مستوى الأنشطة

مفعم بالحيوية

مستوى الراحة

Luxury & Delightful


BHD 1,330

حجم المجموعة

١٤ - ١٦

Led by:

نادية عقاب

ما يمكن ترقبه

A journey of wonderment and adrenaline, Costa Rica will leave you in awe of its beautiful landscape, warm hearted people and diverse culture and history.

This journey is for people that appreciate different landscapes, are ready for a bit of surprises, and can cater for activities ranging from light to moderate levels with extended periods of hiking, roaming around and swimming.

As for the accommodation, we will be staying in a mixture of ideally located hotels, lodges, and villas along the way. It’s a road trip so expect a change of location every two days.

One thing not to forget, you will get to experience living in rural communities for a night or two, so back to basics!


  • A mixture of delightful and luxury accommodation on a twin shared basis with breakfast.
  • النقل البري لكامل خط سير الرحلة
  • Activities & Programs as per the itinerary
  • Coffee farm experiences.
  • Cultural Programs
  • إرشاد كامل من ذا جورني
  • خدمات الدعم على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع.

غير شاملة

  • الرحلات الدولية
  • نفقات شخصية
  • التأشيرة
  • وجبة الغداء و العشاء



Water Activities

ركوب الخيل


Cultural Activities

احجز الآن

تعلم المزيد عن هذه الوجهة

خطة سير الرحلة